Net profit [measured in thousands of PLN] |
81515 |
105256 |
113934 |
113476 |
127354 |
137219 |
164579 |
Net profit on operational activity [measured in thousands of PLN] |
6817 |
7429 |
8628 |
9438 |
10388 |
6870 |
6735 |
Gross profit [measured in thousands of PLN] |
7370 |
7587 |
8634 |
9628 |
10659 |
6926 |
7231 |
Net profit [measured in thousands of PLN] |
5822 |
6072 |
6969 |
7649 |
8451 |
5527 |
5734 |
Total assets [measured in thousands of PLN] |
42001 |
50982 |
54788 |
65834 |
70643 |
75983 |
80723 |
Liabilities and revenue reserves [measured in thousands of PLN] |
9595 |
17943 |
19277 |
27922 |
29903 |
37336 |
40707 |
Long-term liabilities [measured in thousands of PLN] |
41 |
79 |
134 |
82 |
325 |
192 |
170 |
Short-term liabilities [measured in thousands of PLN] |
5504 |
11206 |
18401 |
26939 |
28880 |
36459 |
39190 |
Share capital [measured in thousands of PLN] |
32406 |
33039 |
35511 |
37912 |
40740 |
38647 |
40016 |
Issued capital [measured in PLN] |
781250 |
781250 |
749651 |
749651 |
749651 |
749651 |
749651 |
Number of shares [pcs.] |
3906250 |
3906250 |
3748255 |
3748255 |
3748255 |
3748255 |
3748255 |
Dividend per share [measured in PLN] |
1.05 |
1.2 |
1.4 |
1.5 |
1.6 |
1.00 |
1.00 |