Corporate governance
Corporate governance Corporate governance could be described as a set of rules of conduct envisioned for the governing bodies of companies, the members of such bodies, as well as majority and minority shareholders. The rules of corporate governance apply to broadly defined company management. The aim of the Code of Best Practices for WSE Listed Companies is to: strengthen transparency of the stock exchange listed company; enhancing communication between companies and investors; strengthening protection of the shareholders’ rights also in those matters which are not directly regulated by the law, without generating such additional burden for listed companies which would not be counterbalanced by advantages provided by the market.
Therefore Good Practices refer solely to those areas and domains in which their application can enhance the companies’ market value and thus lower the capital acquisition cost.
Raport o zasadach ładu korporacyjnego w 2013 r
Raport o zasadach ładu korporacyjnego w 2012 r
Raport o zasadach ładu korporacyjnego w 2011 r
Raport o zasadach ładu korporacyjnego w 2010r
Raport o zasadach ładu korporacyjnego w 2009 r
The company’s policy with reference to the choice of the economic entity entitled to analyse the financial reports
The company has a policy which allows it to change the economic entity entitled to analyse the financial reports not more often than once in five years.